For this blog, I think I can break this genre down into a few categories to stay better organized.
- “Building a Miniature” - How I put certain miniatures together. If some miniatures are easier to build than others. What tricks I may have for building some different miniatures.
- “Prepping for Paint” - How (after finishing a build) I prep the miniatures for paint. Why I use certain primers. Do I fill gaps.
- “How I Paint “ - first category would be showing and explaining how I am painting a certain model. The techniques and paints I am using. What brushes I use. The techniques I’m using to lay the paint down.
- “Paints I Use” - showing what paints I use for different techniques.
- "Finishing a Miniature" - what steps I use to seal and finish the miniatures I'm working on.
Each of these categories I could easily split into sub categories for even more organization and to make the blog easier to search. Whatever makes searching and reading a blog or blog post easier to search and share will add to the reach of the blog.
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