With such a visual business like The Painting Dummy, I would expect to send an e-mail newsletter about once a month. The long interval of time between the sending is allowing for time to create content for the website and social media outlets. A shorter interval would create quit a time crunch for the work involved in modeling and painting steps.
A newsletter for this business would be as informative as possible and could include:
- painting techniques - showing how certain techniques are done
- construction - wether a hard build or showcasing a special ‘Kit-bash”
- basing - material ideas and techniques for basing your models
- kinds of paints - new paints on the market, comparing and contrasting paint manufacturers
- tools - new tools, new tool techniques,
- glue - best types of glue for the materials we are working with
I think anyone that would sign up to follow this e-mail newsletter would like the information I could provide as another opinion or new way of doing a technique they haven’t seen before or haven’t seen explained before.
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